Aggression and Anger In Children – How To Manage? – Pt. 2
April 05, 2024
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Do you have a child who seems to be angry all the time? Do they seem to have no control over their anger? Listen to this podcast and learn how to help your child overcome angry feelings and aggressiveness issues safely and effectively.
Aggressiveness in children is a rather tricky topic. Firstly, parents or caretakers should work on their own anger issues and management. This will further help them help their children better. Secondly, it is important to understand that anger is an emotion like many others and it is very important to acknowledge this emotion as well. Besides anger, there are several other emotions like jealousy, embarrassment, selfishness, etc., which get called out as negative emotions.
I have even heard some caretakers say things like, “I do not want to see you angry again”, “Getting angry is not good”, etc. These approaches are not really helpful. Caretakers or parents use such tactics when they do not understand the emotion, its origin or its impact. It is very important for parents to understand that there is nothing bad about these emotions. Moreover, is perfectly normal to have all of them. What is important is to acknowledge these emotions when they come. These are universal and natural emotions after all.
Read the full post on anger and aggression management for children here.