How to Fix the Most Common/ Biggest Parenting Mistake?

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What do you think might be the biggest parenting mistake? Listen to this podcast to know.
Is perfect parenting a myth or possibility? It would be difficult to even define a perfect parent. Every child is different, so is every parent and so are the various parenting styles. Still there is one thing we can all do for our kids. It is to be there for them whenever they need us, to be able to repair our mistakes, and to take responsibility for our actions and words. This will help them grow up to be responsible, caring, confident and wonderful human beings.
Are you finding it harder and harder to turn your parenting strategies on when things go wrong? Then listen to this podcast to explore the concept of “The Power of Repair” and how to use it too. Now that we know the biggest possible mistake we might be making as parents, it is time to start making efforts to fix them. Like always, it is better late than never.
Read our post on how to fix the biggest parenting mistake.
‘The Power of Showing Up’ – book by Daniel J. Siegel TED
Talk by Becky Kennedy on YouTube titled ‘The Single Most Important Parenting Strategy’
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